This is how a real ecologic toilet works!

Yksi yleisimmistä virheistä on “hyppääminen” suoraan peliin ottamatta aikaa oppimiseen. Jokaisella pelillä on omat sääntönsä, ja on olemassa pelivariaatioita, joissa säännöt voivat poiketa hieman toisistaan. Käytä aikaa pelin ymmärtämiseen Tee itsellesi sääntö, että ensimmäinen viikko tai kaksi on vain oppimista varten, eikä sinun tarvitse tuona aikana edes huolehtia siitä, jos häviät, sillä häviäminen on loppujen lopuksi hyvin yleinen osa kasinopelejä.

Watch this easy video –  Aquatron: Technology and Benefits – YouTube

Aquatron is an ingenious solution, especially where it is not possible to have a vacuum truck to empty your sludge or for those who want their own sludge handling. Aquatron makes it possible to have regular water toilets anywhere, thanks to the super efficient separator. Aquatron is easiest way to go ecological. The system’s bio chamber makes it really easy to change bio chamber without even having to come into contact with it – rotate the container’s inner chamber to the next compartment, done!

Aquatron is dimensioned to everything from vacation homes and multi-family houses, to offices and public buildings.

Part of the secret in the system is our patented and CE-labeled separator that separates urine and flush water from feces and paper – all without moving parts.

Welcome to the world of Aquatron!

Aquatron system eng

Toilets – that Save Water – Green Renaissance

Have you ever wondered why our body processes liquids and solids separately?

It designed a system for digestion that provides for the exit of solids one way, and liquids the other way.

Dr. Mats Wolgast at the Uppsala University found out that one of the biggest health risks, is the modern day flushing toilet. He and his team designed a separation toilet, that only needs 1-3 liter flush and is connected to Aquatron, which separates the liquids and the solids in a short swirl using the force of gravity. The solid matter dries out fast, and the liquid is purified ready for reuse.

The city of Timrå in Northern Sweden decided to install the system and tests demonstrated that there was no smell, and that all viruses were eliminated.

A closer look

In this video you will see the function and benefits of the system.

Aquatron in India

Aquatron Ecological and Sustainable STP`s

Help reduce carbon footprint, reduce capital expenditure, reduce operational expenses and many more ecological benefits.

South Africa, Aquatron system is used to fertilize plants.

The toilet is connected to Aquatron, which separates the excrement and treats liquids with UV light. The water further continues to aquaponics where the water is organically post-treated, and plants use the nutrients as fertilizers to grow food and feed local citizens. The water is then pumped up to a vertical garden to maximise food production. After this the water flows back to the aquaponics.



Aquatron in South Africa

The Humanure Bank

A movie from CAT about Aquatron.

CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change .

CAT speak to government and campaigners about policies that would help create a zero carbon Britain; we train students in all aspects of sustainability; we help schoolchildren to understand the importance of action on climate change; and we give advice to householders on what they can do in their own homes.

More about CAT

CAT Centre for Alternative Technology

Aquatron UV

Aquatron’s UV unit utilizes both the water screw movement caused by the Meander effect as well as the threshold effect (all particles spin and are illuminated on all sides several times), which means that even suspended water is fully exposed and a very good bactericidal effect is achieved.

To verify the worst case in diarrhea condition, a test with diarrhea was performed in three liters of rinsing water and the sample was taken immediately after the uv irradiation.
The analysis shows that the effect is practically 100% bactericidal.

Here you can read a report on the unique Aquatron UV that can cleanse from bacteria even though the water contains sludge particles.

Read more about the unique Aquatron UV system



Aquatron is based on the laws of nature and is easy to understand.
With basic knowledge of piping and calculation of tilt, the plumbing contractor or handy person can install the system.


Depending on how many you are in the household, you can choose the size of the system. Aquatron fits everything from holiday homes to public buildings.

Ecology with convenience

The amazing thing about Aquatron is that your guests and family members use your toilets as usual. The separator and the system take care of the rest.

The bio chamber

The chamber can be placed almost anywhere, as long as it is possible to get the correct tilt of the pipes. Everything from the basement to a separate building outside the house is possible.

The separator – An ingenious solution!

All Aquatron models utilize the patented and CE-certified Aquatron separator, which separates the solid waste (feces and paper) from rinsing water and urine. Aquatron systems are based on utilizing the moving energy of the flushing fluid, the centrifugal force and the gravity to separate particles from the liquid.

No moving parts or energy consumption like inceniration toilets and vacuum toilets. When using normal flushing toilets (6 liters), three toilets can be connected to the same separator and flushed simultaneously. Aquatron also has a larger model of the separator that can handle eight toilets flushing at the same time.

A film that shows how easy Aquatron Separator works


UV cleaning is good at if you have difficult places to discharges the output water. If there is short distances to drinking water or difficult infiltration conditions.

This is a way to clean the flushed water 100% from bacteria, even if the faeces are in liquid state.

The lifetime of the two fluorescent lamps is 4-5 years if they are switched on during a 24-hour basis. A buzzer sounds when a fluorescent lamp breaks. One fluorescent tube is enough for full cleaning of the bacteria, but two are used for reliability if one of them breaks down. Then there is time to get a new one without loosing the effect.

The UV-unit handles 250 l/h or 6 000 l/day (The UV-unit was tested with as much as 468 l/h during the swedish SP test. The test result was great)
Size: 500x500x430mm
Energy consumption: 2x15w (30w)

Phosohorus trap

A phosphor trap is a complement to a biological treatment of the flush water and traps the phosphor from the urine. Normally an Aquatron system is complemented with a phosphorus trap or UV unit, depending on local environmental requirements. With phosphorus trap, you get a high level of protection for phosphorus release (according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NFS 2006: 7).

Aquatron Phosphorus Trap contains 35-50kg Polonite® (depending on model). 35-50kg Polonite® gives a capillary of 20-29 liters, which corresponds to 5-7 flushed of 4 liters.

The location of the phosphorus trap is after the Aquatron system but before the three chamber septic tank, which makes the PH elevating effect very small as it only handles the water from the toilet.

Urine separation

If you use Aquatron with a urine-separating toilet, you’ll get a super efficient system and the most environmentally-friendly individual drain you can get.

We have examples where the local farmers uses the urine for their lands. A perfect synnergy effect where every part of the waste is taken care of.

In case of use of the spool fluid and the urine, phosphorus trap and UV unit, the system can be approved with an underwater gray filter for discharge via an infiltration or reed bed

Compost worms

To get a super efficient decomposition of the faeces, you can add a compost worms to your Aquatron bio chamber. This speeds up the decomposition process when the worms feed on the fecalities.

The worms found in most compost are the Swedish Eisenia Foetida and the Italian Dendrobaena Veneta. These weigh about 0.5 grams and eat half of their weight every day.

The humus, which remains when the waste passes through the body of the worms, contains of easily accessible organic that is ideal for fertilizing potted plants, flower buds, vegetables or as top dressing of the lawn. Mixed with peat it becomes an excellent plantation soil. The humus is powerful and it is enough with 2 teaspoons per month and pot plant.